
As part of the  Software development process we always have to deal with this question: How good is good enough ?  Should the team focus on delivering results quickly rather than waiting to build the “perfect” software. To answer this question , I’ve found this successful Kaizen strategy model that has been developed by Japaneses […]

Security Analysis: Malicious or criminal attacks are most often the cause of a data breach globally. According to IBM Report on Security Breach cost  (IBM and Pnemon Institute, 2015) Forty-seven percent of incidents involve a malicious or criminal attack, 25 percent concern a negligent employee or contractor (human factor), and 29 percent involve system glitches […]

Summary: Each company needs to asses and prioritize different risks involved in IT domains. They need to establish the data safety policy describing the accepted level of security and continuity for each section of their business and different level of data access. Also they have to monitor and re-assess the risks continuously. Analysis: Doing business is always […]

Adventure of an IT Leader   Chapter 8 – IT Priority Management Case Analysis Report   Executive Summary: Barton noticed that there might be security hole in the IT network infrastructure and the project for fixing this problem has not get funded historically. The previous CIO proposed the fix in the project prioritization meeting but […]

Summary: During the leadership meeting Barton questioned about a new technology which Barton was not fully aware of. While Barton was trying to make himself familiar with Web 2.0 technology he noticed that one of the customer service staff has published a blog page about IVK attack on June. Barton and his team were wondering […]